August 05, 2010

Well i thought there would be no daily pictures of Gabby today.  I was going to take them after her shower, but just before her shower she got a bit of an owwie.  She was holding Bella who tried to attack her bangs but missed; nailing Gabby’s eyelid instead.  She’s ok, just a nasty little nick.  We did some cold compresses and ice and she’s feeling a bit better.  I thought she wouldn’t be up to having her picture taken but she surprised me by agreeing, even laughing that we should post it saying “Gabby survived the Great Kitten Slashing of 2010!”.  So there you have it folks.  Gabby survived the Great Kitten Slashing of 2010!

Here she is putting on a brave face.

You can just see the nick there.

It doesn’t look like much, but it must’ve hurt like all heck.  She did so well though. 

I am SO proud of her.

While I was dealing with Gabby’s injury, Rob stepped up to the plate and took some pictures of Ben.  🙂

These swords are never far from his hand. 

Guess our home is well protected should we ever be invaded by Orcs or a Goblin Horde.  🙂

 The End.

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